By joining our network of more than 140,000 members and 730 affiliated chapters across the country, you become connected to the largest grassroots movement to protect the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Members work together to ensure that sufficient resources are available to meet the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in every community in our nation.
Members of the Arc of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties play an important part in the future of the agency as they meet at the General Membership Meeting each November to vote on nominees for the agency’s board of directors and give final approval to changes in policies such as The Arc by-laws.
To become a member of The Arc, or to renew your membership, contact Kristen Scully at 256-236-2857.
Or send The Arc membership application, along with your dues, to the office at P.O. Box 1848, Anniston, AL 36202.